Ceiling Tiles

The variety and quantity of ceiling tiles on the market is so wide and varied that it can easily overwhelm the inexperienced eye.

That’s why here at emagtrends we tell you everything you need to know in terms of the different materials on ceiling tiles, their characteristics and, above all, in what price range they are compared to others.

Now you can know everything about ceiling tiles. If you have purchased a new home or if you want to do a remodeling as well as upgrade the roof of the one you already own then this article is for you, it is never another to make the decision based on the professional opinion of an expert in the matter, however , Remember that at the time you are going to do the evaluation of your roof, that person in question will also seek to profit to the best extent.

Avoid unethical people taking advantage of your pocket and learn through the following lines what type of ceiling tiles should be placed on your roof.

All About Ceiling Tiles

When selecting ceiling tiles for your home, the factors to keep in mind are:

  1. The climatic conditions of the area.
  2. The aesthetics of the housing in question.
  3. The conditions found in the neighborhood.
  4. The degree of inclination of the roof.

This is what will help you choose the most successful design but especially the material that your tiles should be made of. Many people consider that this added to the roof of the houses is merely decorative, others think that it is a priority to deal with the real problem, that is, the climatic conditions throughout the different seasons in the year.

Such people reflect a clear scenario where “both are right and so both are wrong.” It is not necessary to be an engineer to know that the integrity of housing is a priority, however, you do not have to be an architect to be aware that a good and beautiful view can also be functional.

And that is the vision that you will achieve after reading this article. Citing the words of the owner of Raylproof Roofing of Seatlle, Mr. Dan Rheaume, we can reinforce that idea:

“You can not use the same materials for a first-class housing in a residential complex as for a serial housing in the city”

The aesthetics on our roof should not only be beautiful to our eyes but should keep a harmony with the environment, that is a social responsibility that we have as citizens, hence the argument Rheaume.

On the other hand, the architect James Kirby explains to us the following:

“Contractors need to verify that the tiles they purchase comply with the building code because, although it is not illegal to manufacture a product that does not adhere to the building code, it is illegal to install it”

J. Kirby is the deputy executive director of technical communications for the National Roofing Contractors Association. That is, we have the opinion of two experts in the field of tiles and roofs that tell us the most important when selecting tiles, however, as you could see; The opinion on aesthetics was obtained from the trader while that of functionality is given by the architect, which again shows that the vision of aesthetics / functionality must have solid foundations and must be a priority for those who try to sell their future tiles, Rather than profit.

And that is the first thing to look for before selecting tiles for your home , an ethical professional who speaks to you sincerely and propriety from both points of view. Let us now turn to the following, the degree of slope of the roof and the climatic conditions.

It is here that the materials for the tiles play the most important role, these can be of:

  • Asbestos cement
  • Wood
  • Asphalt
  • Clay
  • Board
  • Steel
  • Copper

It should also be noted that the cut of the tile or more simply said, the style; Also play a crucial role, the best known styles are:

  • The French tile : It is a tile that by the characteristics of its design, adapts to the most varied architectural designs and represents a unique visual aspect, worthy of the best houses.
  • The Portuguese tile : Its classic shape and unalterable characteristic make the Portuguese tile a touch of elegance and give creativity in its new roof.
  • The Colonial Tile : Its characteristics are the distinction, the brightness and perfect overlap. The Colonial Tejas combine tradition and innovation, offer level and excellent results.
  • The Normandy Tile : It is one of the most beautiful. The style of the slate roofs, together with the practicality and the simplicity of the pure lines, make the Normandy tiles the ideal solution when covering their roof.

When reading the presentation of each of the designs, you would think you had enough information to choose the tile of your choice, imagine if you also had the seller giving you the “best advice to make the best decision” for such reasons is that It is easy to acquire a protection for our roof that ends up being beautiful but not the indicated one so, let us analyze one by one the mentioned materials.


There are three components in this type of tiles, not just asphalt, these are: generally ceramic granules, reinforcements like fiberglass and even organic materials that give the tile an impermeable property and of course the asphalt laminate.

Its easy placement, replacement as well as affordable price; Make them the most common and often the most successful option. They are resistant to fire and strong winds. Best of all is its exceptional ability for refraction or absorption of heat, in cold areas it is better to choose dark colors that absorb sunlight and the reverse if you live in a hot zone.

However, glass fiber at very low temperatures becomes more rigid, which raises its chances of it breaking. Tiles that are reinforced with organic material may be slightly more flexible than fiberglass.

Asbestos cement

They are practically obsolete due to their low yields due to the constant variations of the climate. However, because they are so cheap and light, they are sometimes a difficult alternative to discard. They are made of cement and mineralized fibers, more than tiles are actually sheet metal sheets with wavy shapes.

Whats is Asbestos?


Like any tile that uses concrete in its components, clay tiles are prone to break during frost or thaw. They are also a bit more fragile than the aforementioned, so it is not convenient to place them in places that are under constant risk of impacts.


They are a retro alternative , they prevent the growth of mold and fungi, that is why in the past they were used, however, today there are other alternatives to deal with these problems, in addition; Although they are still used and have been evolving with the advancement of technology, it is still wood, that is, they are flammable.

Carpenter Ants Indentification and control


Do you want tiles that last at least 100 years? As this is their alternative, they clearly need more resources for both installation and acquisition, are more expensive the further away the quarries where they are made; So if you live relatively close to one do not hesitate to purchase them despite their high price!

Steel and Copper

We encompass both tiles since their characteristics are practically the same, except that copper represents a major investment since its aesthetic value is considerably higher. But leaving that aside, the advantages of these tiles are:

Lightweight, resistance to humidity, sudden changes in temperature and fire. Hail is also not a problem for this type of roof tiles; The rain, the weight of the snow and the saltpeter of the sea are not a problem either. However, its base requires a perfect thermal insulation, beyond that, its placement and replacement is very simple and the joints are practically airtight, which will avoid possible leakage in the future.

And finally the BASE!

The base is another important factor to take into consideration as you might have noticed in reading the characteristics of copper / steel tiles. It is important that the life expectancy coincides with that of our tiles, so it is sometimes very advisable to use a double base; Do not hesitate to discuss as an expert on the subject the different types of ceiling tiles that your contractor has to offer.


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