10 Surprising Uses for Aspirin

Have you ever thought that uses for aspirin would do anything but relieve headaches? Surprisingly, this medication has multiple uses, but you should always have the medical approval before putting them into practice.

It tells you several ways to use it so you can take advantage of all its benefits.

1. Helps reduce acne

As an anti-inflammatory and healing effect, aspirin helps to reduce acne. To apply it mix with lemon juice and you will get a powerful astringent and antibacterial that will eliminate the impurities, fighting the bacteria that worsen the lesions. Use the mask only at night to avoid possible stains when exposed to the sun.

2. Relieve insect bites

Aspirin helps relieve itching and pain. In turn, it prevents infections and effectively disinflames. Dissolve an aspirin in a tablespoon of water and spread over the bite.

 3. Reduces blemishes on the skin

Aspirin contains a fat-soluble ingredient used in the manufacture of creams to lighten and clean the skin. This facial treatment provides the benefits of a peeling, reducing scars and stains. To apply it mix with yogurt and honey, and you will get a moisturizing and repairing mask that will leave your skin radiant and smooth.

4. Prevents the appearance of dandruff

Dandruff is not only upset by itching, it is also unsightly. To combat it wash your hair with two mashed aspirin mixed in the amount of shampoo that you usually use in each wash.

5. Acts as exfoliating

Aspirin is an excellent exfoliant to remove dead skin cells. It is also good for getting rid of excess fat and reducing the size of enlarged pores. Just mix it with water and let it act for a few minutes. If you have sensitive skin, apply it carefully so as not to irritate the skin.

6. Eliminates hardness in the feet

These tablets also help soften the hardness of the soles of your feet, so you can easily remove them. Shred 7 aspirin and add half a tablespoon of lemon juice to form a paste. Apply on the hardness and cover with a warm cloth. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then exfoliate hard areas with pumice.

7. Repair damaged hair

Your hair will also benefit from the use of aspirin. To renew its color, give health and shine, dissolve a strip of aspirin in a cup of warm water and apply on clean hair, without combing creams or oily products. Leave on for about 15 minutes and then rinse.

8. Clarify sweat stains

Aspirin also serves to give your clothes a new life. Eliminate sweat stains by applying aspirins dissolved in warm water, let it act all night and the next day you will see how the stains have disappeared.

9. Remove soap residue in the bath

So that the soap remains do not ruin the aesthetics of your bathtub, crush 5 aspirins and add them to the bath cleaning liquid. Spray the whole area, let it act for half an hour and then easily remove all the dirt with a cloth.

10. Extend the life of flowers

So that your cut flowers last longer in the vase, add ground aspirin to the water. This trick is special for roses, making them last much longer and in better condition.

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