How to Unlock Flashpoints in Destiny 2

Complete Flashpoints in Destiny 2 – Critical Issue

Why complete a Flashpoints in Destiny 2?

Critical issue is one of the easiest trophies of Destiny 2. Since to achieve this we just have to complete a critical point. So we explain the steps below so that you take off one of them in a while. And there are only 13 trophies, so if you want to know how to unlock the rest there are several that are also quite easy.

They do not have any difficulty, you just have to know where to go at any moment and you’ll end up at once. The only thing that can have more crumb is if you want to complete the mission with heroic events (you can make the public), in which case, in case you are interested we leave you a link so you know how to unlock all that is right now in the game.

1- After completing the Fury mission, from the main story, go talk to Cayde-6 to get you on patrol missions.

2- Complete the mission you get from Cayde-6 in European dead zone, and three patrols (by the area of ​​the church you can do them all)

3. Go to Cayde-6 and unlock the Critical Point mission. If you have passed the story you will have changed its location to the hangar tower, leaning on a yellow column.

4- Complete the critical point mission choosing between performing 6 public events or 4 heroic events .

5 – Already, although to get the trophy you will have to talk to Cayde-6 again, who will also give you a luminous planetary engram.

You see that you have no difficulty, unless you did not know where Cayde-6 moved, it’s quite easy.


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