How to improve the camp Red Dead Redemption 2

Even a group of outlaws needs a place to call home, and in  Red Dead Redemption 2  , this place is the camp. It is not just a place to rest, but the establishment of your band will offer you many more possibilities. Here’s  how to improve your field in Red Dead Redemption 2  , including  how to use the accounting book  and  unlock tools for working your skin  .

How to improve the camp Red Dead Redemption 2

Where is the accounting book?

The book is the centerpiece of the Red Dead Redemption 2 camp activities, and everything goes from there.

You can find the accounting book on the back of the Dutch tent in the camp. Just approach and press square on PS4 or X on Xbox One .

Camp Improvements in Red Dead Redemption 2

There are seven main things you can improve in the Overlook Horseshoe camp.

  • Medical stocks
  • Supplies
  • Ammunition and weapons
  • Shelter
  • Horse station
  • henhouse
  • Tools for working leather

By improving  medical supplies , supplies and ammunition , you will supply your camp with an assortment of these consumables. You will not have to pay for any of these items once you buy the upgrade, go to the appropriate icon on the map and you can collect what you need.

The Refuge is a very important area in which to invest. After upgrading the Dutch tent to level 2 your teammates will be encouraged to donate more while level 3, for example, unlocks the quick trip.

Another very useful update is the horse station . If you lose your main steed, this update allows you to recall it to the field. It will also allow you to manage all your horses in a more comfortable and orderly way, allowing you to recover the horses from the stables faster.

Finally, the chicken house  is a must for fans of the Dead Eye system. The upgrade will infuse the stew that Mr Pearson will cook for the band with a boost to your Dead Eye bar, which will definitely come in handy in combat. You will also be able to visit your newly purchased chickens while they hover in the field