Best Legendary weapons Destiny 2

Best Legendary Weapons Destiny 2 for Raids

Do not you know how to go armed to the incursions of Destiny 2? For that is this guide in which we will tell you what are the best weapons of Destiny 2 for the raids and all that is to crush NPC.

Today we will not talk about the exotic weapons of Destiny 2 for a simple reason, you can only carry one equipped at a time, however, you can carry a lot of legendary weapons to stop the advance of the enemies that are ahead. Today we will focus on the best weapons that can equip you to play the PVE, or what is the same: to raids.

Launchers Curtain Call

This is one of the best rocket launchers on Destiny 2, the way to get it is through Zavala for being part of the vanguard. In the video that we attach you can see its virtues and how to configure and manage it to be

rifle Call to Serve

This weapon is also a fantastic choice. Get it through Devrim Kay. Call to Serve is an all-terrain rifle that gives an excellent response whatever the situation. If you hit the shots accurately a bullet is recharged, which gives you much play and guidance on how to handle this weapon.

Sniper Rifle A Single Clap

This sniper rifle is one of the most damage done by impact, which makes it an ideal decision to take those first shots from a distance before equipping yourself with Call to Serve and shooting yourself. To do this you will need the help of the blacksmith, but it is very worthwhile

Mini Tool Measure

If you want to know how to get this weapon you will have to overcome the mission of the dead zone of Europe. To this day this is one of the best energy weapons, so do not waste time and get it if you want to overcome the incursions of the game as well as all the challenges of the PVE.