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Akarat’s Tenets: Unlock the Power in Diablo 4

How to Activate Nahatu’s Tenets of Akarat in Diablo 4

With the latest expansion of Vessel of Hatred, the concept of Nahatu’s Tenets of Akarat has become one of the most talked-about topics in Diablo 4. But what exactly are they, and how do you activate them? In this article, we will explore the three ways to activate Akarat’s Tenets and unlock their true power.

Method 1: Activate the Three Relics Before Darkness Falls

Activate the three relics, and let their power coursing through you. You can find the relics scattered throughout the regions, and once activated, they will grant you the necessary power to unlock the Tenets.

Method 2: Unlock the Patterns

Find the relics that match the patterns on the background, and activate them. This will grant you the power of the Tenets.

Method 3: Defeat the Red Entity

Defeat the red entity, and then activate the Tenets. Your ability to attack will be increased, making it easier to defeat the rest of the enemies.

All Locations of Akarat’s Tenets in Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred

There are 30 Tenets of Akarat spread throughout the regions of Vessel of Hatred, each with 5 relics and 6 larger areas divided into 3 continents: Fractured Peaks, Three Torments, and Cursed Statute. Here’s where you can find them:

Fractured Peaks

  • Sacred Altar of Treachery
  • Cathedral of the Whistling Winds
  • Monastery of the Red Viper
  • Temple of the Wailing Siren
  • Sanctum of the Aborted Child

Three Torments

  • Cathedral of the Screaming Winds
  • Church of the Howling Arcturus
  • Fortress of the Bentley Asylum
  • Monastery of the Sinful
  • Temple of the Tormented

Cursed Statute

  • Sacred Altar of the Statue
  • Cathedral of the Cursed
  • Church of the Wailing Angels
  • Fortress of the Abandoned Village
  • Monastery of the Last Hope

How to Fix the Tenets of Akarat Bug in Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred

If you’re a player who has searched for the Tenets, you may have encountered the bug that prevents the activation of the Tenets. The bug can be fixed by restarting your network and disabling the cross-network play option on the character selection menu. Once you’ve restarted your network, you should be able to activate the Tenets.

Post Tags:

  • Diablo IV Vessel of Hatred
  • Diablo IV


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