How to avoid WhatsApp viruses

WhatsApp , the application of Mark Zuckerberg, is the most used instant messaging software in the world. Now we will tell you how to avoid whatsapp viruses in the better way to save your smartphone or computer.

With more than one billion users, it has reached very high figures taking advantage of competitors such as Telegram and Viber. Just for this reason it has become an easy target for hackers and malicious people who create viruses capable of stealing sensitive data and destroy the devices on which it is installed. In the last year the cases and reports of scams and viruses by WhatsApp have intensified, many users have had to change device since they were unusable by the malicious programs distributed through conversations. Now you will know how to avoid whatsapp viruses.

The method used to infect the terminals is very simple, similar to the one we saw with the Mazar virus . A message arrives on WhastApp with the inside a link, the curious user clicks on the link and makes an access to the network. This starts downloading and installing malicious code that causes damage to your Smartphone or Tablet, Android and Apple. In this article I show you some of the main viruses reported by users.

Virus in WhatsApp per message

The first type of virus is the one that is propagated by message . Indicates that a software update is available, which can be executed by clicking on the link indicated. Once the person clicks on the link, the virus is downloaded and installed. The main problem is that this malware has the function of opening pop-up windows in the terminal, which invite you to provide sensitive information such as the number of credit cards and other confidential information. In this way the scammers manage to take possession of account data and do damage.

Malware through WhatsApp contacts

In the past there has been another annoying virus called Priyanka. It was also transmitted by WhatsApp but with other methods. The user directly received a contact called Priyanka and if he added it, he would eventually infect his device. In this case the damage was not serious, in fact, the virus added to the contact address book many phone numbers called Priyanka.

False emoticons containing viruses

Another type of virus that had recently spread between different conversations, invites to download new emoticons 2016 . Suddenly, many people have come across a message inviting them to install the latest emoticons launched by WhatsApp. By clicking on the link indicated, the virus was downloaded that was able to auto-send messages to all contacts on the phone, spreading completely automatically. We always recommend that you check the official updatesof the different programs using Google Play. Only in this way will you be sure to install applications and updates controlled and not made by third parties.

Fraud WhatsApp Groups

Another type of threat is being expanded recently. In this case is a group called Whatsapp , as well as the name of the application. The user will be added to this group by a number with area code 44 (England), and later the following message is delivered with a multimedia file attached: “Congratulations, your phone number + 34xxxxxxxxxx was randomly selected as a mobile device with luck! You have one (1) unclaimed prize. Claim your prize now! ” Be care to avoid whatsapp viruses.

Clearly this is a scam , in fact by clicking on the file you are going to download the attachment by installing the virus for WhatsApp. When the malware is installed it makes the phone unusable and the victim can not do anything to solve the problem. All the files are taken as hostages, and to get them a high figure must be paid. In practice it is a virus very similar to cryptolocker . This virus is transmitted on both Android and Apple devices . So by no means click on the attached file. All you have to do is leave the group, eliminating it permanently.

This avoids damage and the virus does not cause any problem as it is not discharged.   All you have to do is leave the group, eliminating it permanently. This avoids damage and the virus does not cause any problem as it is not discharged. All you have to do is leave the group, eliminating it permanently. This avoids damage and the virus does not cause any problem as it is not discharged. So now you can know how to avoid whatsapp viruses.


As we have seen in this article, there are many systems used by malicious to infect Smartphone through WhatsApp. In the future we have to be prepared to face any new attack, preventing our data and privacy are affected. In order to avoid problems you just have to follow some general tips: always check the source from which you receive the message, identify the people in the group in which we have been added, do not click the links of strangers or contacts , Who may have sent the message without their knowledge.

It is also appropriate to make updates only from Google Play, without relying on external sites and sources. If these simple tips are applied, You will definitely avoid most of the viruses and malware available in WhatsApp. You can also install an antivirus , but unfortunately some malicious files are not recognized and therefore could be signaled safe when in fact it is not. If you have been infected with a virus and have the Android or Apple terminal inoperative, we can help you recover your Smartphone files.

So now you can know how to avoid whatsapp viruses.

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