Alley Oop NBA 2K18

How to make the Alley Oop NBA 2K18?

The combination of buttons is very simple, in principle all players can do them (some better than others), and the key is to know when to do it:

Alley Oop Buttons in NBA 2K18

The mechanics of the Alley Oop in NBA 2K18 remain the same as last year’s:

  • Alley Oop on PlayStation: Press twice triangle
  • Alley Oop on Xbox: We press twice and Y

In both cases we should aim to do so towards the receiver.

Very simple, the key is to know when to go, and to know what kind of players will do better.

Players for Alley Oop in NBA 2K18

In principle, any player can be a passer and catcher in an Alley Oop. But if we want to have the maximum guarantees of success, ideally, both players have the following badges

  • Pin: Balloon Pin
  • Globe Receiver Receiver or Alley Finisher Oops

When to make an Alley Oop in NBA 2K18?

The natural thing is to choose it as a more attack option, when it is very clear. If we see that a player enters the area in the race and we have the pass line cleared, it is usually the ideal time. And of course to finish a counterattack in which we go alone.

Now, we can also force it a little in many ways. Perhaps the easiest thing is to ask for a block and make a lateral penetration so that a partner can enter the area with the path cleared by the opposite side.

What is certainly never advisable is to try an Alley Oop in static. Although it leaves us, it is usually very ineffective.

Other Alley Oop in NBA 2K18

There are a couple of plays with Alley Oops that have a very specific technique. One is the auto alley oop and another is the alley multi oop:

Auto Alley Oop in NBA 2K18

We do it with only one player, that is, we raise the ball, grab it and crush it.

If we want to get out the ideal is to be alone in the area and have an athletic player. The normal thing is to do it at the free throw line, like a normal alley oop, but pointing at the board. The ball will bounce on the board, grab it and crush it.

If we do it a little earlier it will not touch the board, but we will be able to catch the ball equally. Although the most effective is with the board.

Multi Alley Oop in NBA 2K18

It consists of doing a normal alley oop, but the receiver instead of crushing it is left to a third player to crush in suspension.

Obviously we need space to be able to do it and they do not bother us much. But as for the technique is very simple, we just have to repeat the alley oop with the first receiver pointing to the second receiver. And by power, we could repeat the pass as many times as we wanted.